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Craft Exports Tunisia

Contact Us

Since 2018, ACEA has been actively working in rural Tunisia to catalyze an existing trade network around craft products and to improve them for the benefit of producers.

How To Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or requests, we would love to hear them! Send us a message with the form below.

The Office

Adresse: Centre le Forum 4ème étage, Avenue de la Feuille d’Erable Les Berges du LAC 2 – 1053, Tunis, Tunisia

Business Hours

Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT + 1)
Saturday and Sunday: closed

Get in Touch

Send us a message


    Supported by
    our Partners

    This initiative is supported by the Embassy of the United States in Tunisia, FHI 360 and the National Office of Tunisian Crafts.